Fairfax county fireman threatens to bury cops.

I am going to introduce you to the Mr. Khalil Abdul Rasheed he is a fireman at the Fairfax County fire department. As you can see from his posts below he thinks his merry group of thugs should start putting police officers in the ground.  That doesn’t sound appropriate does it.  

Let’s put it into perspective.  “Hey stop the cop haters fans,  lets start killing firemen,  all they ever save is the foundation to the house anyways”.  Now how would that fly with your department if you posted something like that on an open Facebook group?  You would probably be fired.

Khalil was posting in a thread started by Matthew which calls for violence. It was posted on a the page called ” film the police “. Another of the so called accountability pages that are filled with anti police hated and threats.  If he wants accountability then fine,  be accountable for your words.  Contact the Fairfax County Fire Department and let them know we don’t want potential cop killers working for them.


It also appears he is an ISIS sympathizer by his photos you can see below. Many commented have told me he refuses calls for service due to prayer time and has been caught vandalising a dumpster.

How does a man who should be on the terror watch list end up being a first responder? Officers do not need a man like this helping them and neither does the public

Here is a link to an article with his reply to our story.

UPDATED: Virginia firefighter’s comment about fighting back against police getting scrutiny – Firefighter reacts to controversy







23 thoughts on “Fairfax county fireman threatens to bury cops.

  1. I contacted this man’s work and spoke to Guy Morgan in internal affairs. I hope others call as well the number is 703-246-2126


    • Like i said almost a year ago..the integrity of a “former” cop whose integrity should be questioned…are u still going to call Guy Morgan now? Check the news for THAT moron…


  2. Just know that the opinion of this one disgraceful and worthless POS from the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department, does not reflect the opinion of the other 1400 members. We would gladly let you and anyone else, take this shitbag out behind the station for a beat down, our department won’t allow us to do it.


  3. Pingback: Virginia firefighter's comment about fighting back against police getting scrutiny - Statter911

  4. I know a ton of people with FFX fire. The bantering about doughnut eaters and hose throwers is all in true fun, but this is too far.


  5. @”internet coward”Steven, ppl like you are very abundant. You talk all that aggression of beating up someone, but if approached, you make sure you get paper on them. Now granted, this guy did make an idiotic comment, but there are PLENTY of idiotic statements made at line up. So spare me. Oh and “amber”, Guy Morgan is positively a weasel of weasels….get ALL the info before you make a call to an integrity challenged person like him…


      • Bridget, mind yours, because the same person that wants to put their hands on someone simply because they “speak” (1st amendment ) their mind, and the same person that would involve an idiots CHILDREN on their site, is the same person that would cringe at a female working side by side with them…spare me your nonsense. ..


  6. Fireman and police training together over the last several months. They learned to trust and rely on each other during these training sessions. All we need now is for some anarchist to start this crap. He is obviously a nut job. If the county doesn’t dismiss him for this all of the county supervisors should resign immediately. This has traveled all over the country I am from Pittsburgh

    Liked by 1 person

  7. This man does not belong in our profession. I know many of good men in Fairfax and know he does not represent the dept. I would hope the dept. Will take swift immediate action of removing this guy. We work hand and hand with the police and need to trust each other.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This is the same guy who spray painted KKK on a dumpster outside a fire station 10+ years ago. Letters were sent out to whole fire department stating that they would not tolerate this behavior. Turns out PD had him doing it on lot video. Whole thing was swept under the rug.


    • That’s not true! The cameras was not set up to oversee the trash can. They were set up to catch the person robbing the recycle ben for the burn kids .Rumors go deep in the dept. No one want to know the truth.


  9. I have family working in the police department. God help the county if something happens to them and the supervisors have not taken action to remove him!!! This is a no brainer!! What is the holdup????? Get rid of the scumbag!!!!!


  10. There was only one person perfect and that was Jesus. I drove to my hometown in my new Corvette and was pulled over while at a stop sign by the police and ask why I was in that neighborhood: I responded that I was just leaving my grandma house and was not familiar with the new 664 interstate so I am taking the way I know which is thru a white neighborhood…DWB. I was arrested on my job in front of my peers because the police said I blew a 3.0 on their breathe analysis… which mean alcohol poison. Did they take me to the hospital no downtown where I blew a 0.00 ten minutes later. No apology. My rental tenant was ordered by a judge to vacate my property after not buying rent for four months. I arrive at the property at 0700 hrs two days after she was to be out. I called the police and was told they said they will be out by 1700 hrs and to do what I have to do. At 1800. So I waited at my next neighbor house had a few drinks and at 1800 hrs confronted them and ask how much longer. She called the police and said I was harassing her and lied that see saw me pull up. I was arrested given seven DWI citations. And was in my front yard when they arrived. It thrown out of court, wiped off my court records but remain on my driving record. Because they believe the police first. Guilty then proven innocence. There went my CDL. I am not mad at anyone. No one perfect. But being black: #@## happens!!!


    • What does that have to do with a public servant lobbing threats at other public servants? What does that have to do with his inability to respond to calls and his support of ISIS? Your history has no bearing on this.


  11. There’s no place for such views, anywhere having worked with police for 30 years, we worked well together. How can some of you spur the very hate you accuse him of? Then you don’t even own it by putting your real name.Intresting.


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